A Season of Love

Last week a fellow regular passenger in the train station asked me if I'm looking forward to Christmas. I could tell he certainly wasn't looking forward to it. But to which I replied with a big wide smile YES! And I went on to say that probably if he asked me the same question a month back, I wouldn't have answered with so much enthusiasm and replied with a vague meh!

I was in that zone of whining about the commercialism of what Christmas has become and told myself not to get too caught up with all the hype! I wasn't gonna put the tree up, decorate the house or even do my Santa shopping. But later as the season progressed, so did the carols and I slowly found myself rewinding to yesteryear. My Christmas memories as a child are those that last a lifetime. From exchanging Santas North Pole address with Sunday school friends, youth programs in church, opening presents & staying up till 4am having Christmas cake, carol singing etc - are memories I would never trade. So the scrooge in me was kind of short lived and before you knew it I found myself crossing out names on a gift list and planning a Christmas dinner party at home. It got to me. I succumbed. What can I say, the force was strong ;) .

Those memories switched a light on. In spite of all what Christmas has become - it still revolves around love. For me personally, it's all about Jesus coming into this world. He demonstrated "Love" so evidently in the life He lived and sacrificed for our sins. Yes, our mishaps, shortfalls, tempers and wrong doings have been accepted by that miraculous birth of our Saviour. And that's truly what I celebrate.

So yes, Christmas may mean something different to everyone today to what it actually stands for. Although much of it seems to be all about Santa, Rudolph, the Christmas tree, gifts etc - I still see love. In a world where there is so much negativity, evil and hatred its encouraging seeing the joy Christmas brings to someone's face.

My next door neighbour or the guy on the train can be scrooges about it but their attitude is what ruins the joys of this season. There is no harm in showing some love. Buying those gifts, wrapping them with ribbons and writing that sweet note on a Christmas greeting card is a token of love. Sharing a meal and drinks with friends and family in the spirit of Christmas is a fellowship of love. 

So in spite of all the so called commercialism Christmas is today - look to share the love. Jesus came to love and while you may not celebrate His birth, there is joy in the fact that almost everyone at least celebrates the reason he came into the world - To Love

Hope you're all having a Christmas season filled with love and hope.
Gino :)

"We Love because He first loved us"
1 John 4:19


  1. Blessed Christmas to you my dearest darling Gigi! Beautiful and meaningful thoughts as always!
    Victoria Surendran

  2. Excellent Ginelle. Appropriate topic at the most appropriate time, well written. Proud of you. With lots of 'love' from us all
    Melwyn Clements


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