Paint Your Sunset

From my many Facebook and Instagram posts last week you could tell I went for a short and sweet road trip with a few friends. And as the week was coming to a close, Esther asked me what's been the highlight of the trip so far to which I responded the beautiful sunset at Henley Beach, South Australia. We reached town just in time for the sunset and made our way to the end of the jetty to catch a quick but unforgettable view of the vibrant fiery colours across the sky.

The sky spoke of life, love and light to me. Simply breathtaking. I don't think the picture does justice. However like everything in life, nothing lasts forever and soon the night sky crept in. A few days later we both headed back to the beach to catch a view of one more sunset before we left, however to our disappointment, the sun was cast away by clouds. It was still beautiful but just not what I expected. Similar to my expectations of life at times.

However, this then made me realize that everyday is the same just as scripture says in Ecclesiastes 1  - "The sun rises and the sun sets and hurries back to where it rises" (vs 5) and goes on to say "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again and there is nothing new under the sun" (vs 9)

As routine the job of the sun seems day after day, it always paints a different picture during its rise and fall. The strokes of light, reflection on the ocean and colours on the horizon are never the same. Some days are dark, the cloud cover provides uncertainty and casts away a shadow of darkness and we hope. We hope for the sun to break through the clouds, like I did that day as we search for that light. The light of love. But yet in this darkness or the light - there is beauty. 

The picture is different. It's never the same
Yet the colours paint a different story. A different ending, Or it may be the dawn to a new beginning.

Most of us, we live the routine life which revolves around a good balance between work and life. But at the end of the day, are you painting that different stroke? Are you shading areas in your life? Ever thought of brightening up those edges? Some of us are, some of us aren't. I too confess, we become complacent and satisfied with life as is, So how can you and I paint a different picture? Or rather, be the artist that's needed to sell a work of art?

We all have a part. Different to each other obviously. We have different opinions, different passions, different views on life, society, music, politics - you name it. We have been gifted with a new set of twenty four hours every day and while the sun may continue doing the job of rising and setting while painting a different sky every day - think of what you are painting? Is you sunset the same? Paint your picture, stroke that brush different and throw some colour into it.

Live a life full of colour and light!


Ps: I think this is the first post in a while which doesn't make reference to a song! Sometimes the stillness of the sky speaks more than one can imagine.


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