Its Christmas...not Xmas.

The most common status update these past few days on Facebook has been about the excitement for Christmas. And everyone’s all hyped up about decorating the tree, baking delicious pies & cakes & of course – Santa! The entire month of December is always picturized with red & green baubles ringing in a spirit of joy! But joy…for what? What is everyone celebrating?

Don’t get me wrong, no doubt I too, am thrilled about this month, even though it’ll be the first Christmas our family has been split. I love the joyous part of gifts, decorating every nook & corner and eating scrumptious goodies. But it saddens me to see how commercial such a significant day has now become.

Imagine it this way, how would you like a whole bunch of people celebrating your birthday without involving you in it? They aren’t even grateful for your significance in their lives. They keep partying and giving each other gifts – but none for you. They decorate and spend a thumping amount on impressing guests but you are not invited. All the attention is on fictional characters that don’t exist just so there is a better or cooler face to the celebration. A turkey is given more prominence than you. They greet one another using your name in the wish – but never meant it to you personally. And eventually, they soon realize you are not important, so substitute your name with an X. Face it…you just don’t exist to them. Would that hurt you?

Xmas! That’s what has happened. They have left Christ out. Erasing the entire meaning behind Christmas. Forgetting whose birth is celebrated. Forgetting who has gotten them through the hard times the past year but ever ready to blame him for the bad. Forgetting the fact that he died on the cross just to save their life.

I pray that you all get hyped this season remembering the birth of our Saviour – Jesus Christ. Giving all glory and honour to him – not to some fat dude in a red suit with a bag of prezzies. Invite Jesus to your hearts before the guests come to munch on the turkey & cake. Accept his gift of undeserved grace and give him your life. What a joyous Christmas it would be!

Hope you have a Blessed Advent.
PS: Never say Xmas, it’s Christmas!


  1. OMG ther som1 who thinks like me! so true! stil lin vain am tryin tell pl its CHRISTmas not Xmas, wher one actually ends up crossin Jesus out! hmmm

    Good one babe!

  2. The reason why X is there is the greek spelling (Christ is greek for the hebrew term messiah which is 'anointed one') has an X looking letter at the front and using an X was a very common way of abbreviating Christ . i see nothing wrong with xmas over christmas since it does have practical roots.
    ' while the "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, translated as "Christ".' by wikipedia


  3. Wow! I really didn't know that. Quite interesting! Makes sense though since the New Testement was translated from Greek.
    I wouldn't mind using Xmas now as well, knowing where it originated from, however don't you think almost 95% of the people using the word XMAS...dont really know the true meaning about christmas? Or rather, they don't care about the reason even if they knew it was the birth of Jesus.
    That's basically the whole point I was trying to make. Just so that people realize there is heaps more to christmas than what they think.

    Oh...and thanks for the info...


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