So...this is Christmas!

Last night, was the first time in my 24 years on earth – we couldn’t do the family tradition of coming home together after midnight mass, sipping on red wine & nibbling on Christmas cake while exchanging gifts with each other. I know there are many who don’t get to celebrate Christmas with their family but this being our first split apart keeps ringing back memories of when I used to believe my mom & dad were actually going to meet Santa to tell him what we want or checking if the North Pole address I have is correct.

Earlier this year the question since Summer 09 was “Where do I go for Christmas?” Every month the destination would change but never did I expect that I’d be spending it here in Dubai.

Option # 1 – The land down under…where family is!

I always thought I’d somehow end up in Australia for Christmas like last year. But then this was written off to not being so feasible since Rozy was at least with me, which eventually led me to…

Option # 2 – The All American dream…US of A!

Having already attended an YWAM conference in the UK in 2007, I was psyched at the sound of hearing about Urbanna in St. Louis. A massive conference like no other – uniting youth from across the globe. Although after having almost registered, we felt this is not where God wants us to be. Love to Donita, Beryl, Jasper & Val who are there right now representing the St. Martin’s youth. Our prayers are with you guys!

Option # 3 – Paradise Island…

Having spent only a couple of Christmas’ there, I still would testify that Sri Lanka is a place for good fun with friends & family at any time. Adding to the excitement would be Adrian's wedding which unfortunately we once again won’t be able to make it.

Option # 4 – The colourful nation…India!

I always picture India as a country full of colour. Probably because of the maps we used to plot in school. This was almost 90% through to spending Christmas with our granny & other relatives but due to last minute change of plans – we called the last option off as well! Which has left us in...

Option # 5 – The luxurious city in a desert!
God has planted Rozy & me in Dubai for a reason this season. Maybe it’s to reminisce and value the years gone by & spend this year with close friends around us. Maybe it’s to bring a change in someone’s life here. Whatever it is, we feel blessed to be in this nation and thankful for the love of many friends who have become our adopted family this year!

I pray that you have a blessed and enchanted Christmas celebrating Christ’s birth as he came into the world giving us the greatest gift of all – Love. And you maybe a relative I was supposed to spend Christmas with, or an amazing inspiring friend for life where we connected in just 2 weeks, maybe an old or new colleague, or a best friend, or someone from church or even maybe my family I miss the most – whoever you are, you are loved this Christmas. Accept this small gift and spread it among those around you.

Have a joyous day filled with the love of Christ.
Merry Christmas!


  1. aw gino...yea christmas in the desert wasnt so bad after all! :D
    im glad we spent it together!


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